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Online Support and Tools for Navigating Anxiety in Challenging Times

Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Unable to get a good night's sleep?
Can't seem to turn your mind off?
Racing heart and uncomfortable body sensations?
A feeling that something's not right?
Worrying about your own and your loved one's future?
Preoccupied with the past?
 Sensitive to news and other media?
Feeling alone and unsure about what to do?
These are all signs that you are experiencing a heightened state of anxiety. As if life were not stressful enough, the past couple of weeks have been particularly overwhelming for many people. The political climate, environmental concerns, too much screen time, too little quality time, and not enough time in nature have increased anxiety for most of us.
I've created this group as a refuge for female identified people who are looking for both support and actual tools and techniques to help manage anxiety.    
The Tools:
  • Community: give and receive support and remember that you are not alone
  • Self-Compassion: cultivate self-love, the foundation for optimal healing and growth
  • Guided Imagery: build internal resources through guided meditation
  • Boundaries Education: discover your limits and how to set those in loving ways
  • Mindfulness: develop your inner witness
  • Energy Work: ground and let go of what is not serving you
  • Breath Work: calm and balance your nervous system
The Details:
Starts: September 29 - November 17, 2021 
Where: Zoom
Time: 10-11:30am on Wednesdays
Cost: $500 for 8 week commitment & initial consultation
The Intention:
After participating in this experience, my hope is that you will have a deeper understanding of how to identify your anxiety triggers. Notice what anxiety feels like in your body. Have access to tools and resources to call upon when the going gets rough. Cultivate a loving presence toward yourself.

About Me:
Through my own struggles with anxiety and depression, I have studied many healing modalities. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I bring my clinical skills to help facilitate a safe and enriching group experience. I’ve been a devoted student of yoga since the age of 12 and have completed teacher trainings at Mt. Madonna in Santa Cruz and Laughing Lotus in SF, and currently training as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. My latest passion has been learning and integrating energetic understanding and principles into my work as a therapist. I’m excited to offer this group as an opportunity to share what has worked for me with others in support of healing. Please contact me with any questions and to sign up.



Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist  MFC #52545
415.841.2435 /

Jennifer Lilly MFT


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